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Allen: listening is the best thing you can do

Allen talks about how important it is to just listen and how hard it is to do. After practicing it with his wife, he can apply it to other parts of his life now, including his relationship with his friends and child.

Mariko and Kasimir: supporting someone with a PMAD

Even before Mariko was able to tell Kasimir what she really needed to recover, the fact that he just listened as she shared her feelings and experiences, without judging or trying to fix it, was extremely helpful.

Mariko and Kasimir: how to be an effective supporter

Even before Mariko was able to tell Kasimir what she really needed to recover, the fact that he just listened as she shared her feelings and experiences, without judging or trying to fix it, was extremely helpful.

Allen: advice for fathers

Allen advises that often the best thing a person can do to support a person with PPD/A, or any struggling new parent, is to just listen to them.