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Gifts for the Soul


Pacific Post Partum Support Society counsellor, Anna Chambers, shares three gifts that you can give yourself this holiday season.


  1. Courage to ask for what I need.


Often, one of the ongoing struggles for women is having the courage to ask for what we need. One of the myths mothers may buy into is the belief that we must provide for the needs of others first and ourselves last. It can take practice to consider what it is we do need and to ask in a way that is respectful. As a new mother I often wished for someone to just know what I needed and do it. Reality is that we have to clearly ask our partners, family, friends and children for what we need. It is not up to us to decide whether or not that person can help us.


  1. Fewer expectations.


Providing a fun, exciting and abundant holiday season is something that many mothers may feel is their job to provide. Cooking, cleaning, hosting and shopping can become overwhelming and we can end up running ourselves ragged. Coupled with these stresses may be certain expectations of what kind of holiday we believe we ought to be enjoying or that our children’s experience must be a particular way. I have had to learn to let go of the expectations of how I think the holidays ought to look like and remind myself that I do the best with what I have.


  1. Acknowledgment that this may be a difficult time.


For many people, the holiday season is a very lonely, challenging time. Loved ones may have passed, families may not be enjoying positive relationships and others may be struggling. Recognizing that sometimes the holiday season is difficult and seeking support from those who love us can help to acknowledge our emotion around it.


From Pacific Post Partum Support Society, we wish you a holiday season that provides opportunities for sharing what is most important with those you love most.




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