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Maria: finding comfort in a Spanish support group

Maria discusses how finding a Spanish-language support group was a great support to her during early motherhood.


Yeah but my anxiety was about everything, just the fact or the feeling that I was alone with the baby. So as soon everybody went back to Mexico basically, even though I was living, I was been living in Canada for five years, back then, for me it was like feeling new in the country. Like a newcomer again because all my friends: they didn’t have any babies. So I was new in Richmond. I was new as a mum and I didn’t have any friends with babies. So for me is like: ok where do I go? Where do you go with a six months old baby? Who do I talk to, what do I talk about? All these questions, right?

And you’re, you’re afraid of your new experience as a mum. You want your baby to be fine at all times and you also want, you need to socialize, you need to go outside, right?

And when I was there one of the facilitators told me about Bridging Group that it was going to take place at the Family Place in Spanish.

But we were all, they were families from Mexico, Peru, Columbia and we all have the I think even my husband can talk about that: how, how much I changed. Because there were a lot of mums, I think I was one of the youngest mums, not because of my age but because of my baby’s age. I have, I have one of the youngest babies in that group. Most of the mums their children were around two, one and two years old.

But we were all, they were families from Mexico, Peru, Columbia and we all have the same feeling. And because we all get, got together and I think it was like between two or three times a week. It was like a family. So all the answers that I needed to hear about how do I feed my baby? How do I train my baby to sleep? And how do I, all the ‘how do I’ do this the Family Place staff and the other mums there they helped me a lot, a lot.

So I have to say that being out, forcing myself to go out, was like a rescue thing for me.


Length: 2 minutes, 30 seconds.