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Additional Spanish Language information and Community Resources

Resources for finding a Spanish-speaking therapist in BC


Here to Help BC

Here to Help is a website of the BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information, who work together to help people better prevent and manage mental health and substance use problems and live a healthier life.  They have several fact sheets with information in Spanish:  http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/other-languages#spanish

These fact sheets may be particularly useful for new mothers and fathers:


Postpartum depression

Getting help


Suicide: Listen to the warning signs

Post-traumatic stress disorder

What are mental disorders?

Mental disorders: What families and friends can do to help


Vancouver and Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society:

Provides culturally sensitive services to immigrant, visible minority and refugee women and their families who are experiencing family violence. Free and confidential advocacy, counseling, and support through bilingual and bicultural support workers.


NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

(1-800-950-NAMI) (1-800-950-NA
NAMI is the biggest mental health organization in the United States and is dedicated to improving the life of individuals with mental illness and their families.  Their website has many resources in Spanish.


Maternidad Tabú  (Motherhood Taboo) by Katia Theile 

The book:
Katia Thiele.  2010.  Maternidad Tabú: Una historia real sobre depresión postparto y una práctica guía informative para la madre afectada, la pareja, familiares y amigos.  Ciudad México, D.F.: Urano.


“Motherhood Taboo, a true story about Postpartum Depression and a practical guide for the affected mother, the couple, family, and friends,” describes this part of motherhood that no one talks about: Postpartum Depression. “Motherhood Taboo” gives the sobering testimony of the author, who lived with postpartum depression for seven years before it was diagnoised and treated. The book includes practical information to help the affected mother, as well as for her partner, family, friends, and doctors.