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Postpartum Psychosis

Postpartum Psychosis - Get Help Now

Postpartum psychosis (PPP) is rare, and only occurs in 1 or 2 in every 1000 births, or 0.1-0.2%. PPP is always a medical emergency, so if you or someone you are supporting seems to be experiencing PPP, call your health care provider or go to your nearest Emergency Department.


Occurs suddenly, most frequently in the first 1-2 weeks following the birth. Postpartum Psychosis is temporary and treatable with medical help.


Delusions, hallucinations, hyperactivity, paranoia, decreased need for sleep, rapid mood swings

Note: a person suffering from postpartum psychosis may be unaware their behaviour is abnormal even as they struggle to differentiate between reality and delusion. Upsetting intrusive thoughts (common with PPD and PPA) are not the same as the delusions that accompany PPP. If a person is aware that their thoughts are abnormal and they have no desire to act on them, it is likely not PPP.

Important Note

Most people experiencing a PMAD do not go on to develop psychosis. Postpartum psychosis is very rare, occurring after only 0.1-0.2% of births. The two biggest risk factors for postpartum psychosis are 1) a personal or family history of bipolar disorder and 2) a previous psychotic episode.

Further Exploration

Treatment options

Anyone experiencing symptoms of psychosis or having suicidal thoughts should go to the local hospital emergency immediately. If not, plan to speak with your doctor or get other medical care right away.

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